
Firebase logo
3.0 star rating

3.0 stars from 7 reviews on TrustPilot

Firebase is a serverless hosting platform based in Mountain View, and it is a subsidiary of Google LLC. Founded in 2011, the company has a 3.0-star rating from 7 customer reviews on TrustPilot. With Firebase, anyone can host a website completely free of charge.

Headquarters Mountain View, California, United States
Founded 2011
Ownership Publicly traded as GOOG:NASDAQ
Hosting Services Serverless Hosting
Flag of the United States

Web Hosting Services

Hosting Packages

Firebase offers one serverless hosting package as part of its No-cost tier.

Price from (per month) $0.00
Number of websites Unlimited
Storage (GB) 10
Bandwidth (GB) 10
Emaill Addresses No
Free SSL Yes
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