This page provides a detailed breakdown of GURU's pricing, including monthly costs for their hosting plans. Learn how much GURU charges for web hosting and compare the cost of their plans to make an informed decision.
Below is a comprehensive price list for GURU hosting. GURU requires payment on a monthly basis and does not offer discounts for longer-term payments, such as annual subscriptions.
Contract Term | Shared Hosting | Shared Hosting BOOST | Shared Hosting PRO |
1 month |
More Details | More Details | More Details |
All prices displayed on this page are in US Dollars for your convenience, but all payments to GURU must be made in British Pounds. The prices shown on this page were converted from GBP to USD around 35 minutes ago and may vary based on the current exchange rate.
Please be aware that your bank or payment provider may apply additional foreign transaction fees when paying in British Pounds if your account is in a different currency.