GCE Large by Cloudways

GCE Large is a hosting package from Cloudways that operates within a cloud hosting environment. It allows you to host unlimited WordPress websites with acces to 20 GB storage space.

Websites hosted on this plan can accommodate unlimited visitors while leveraging up to 2 GB bandwidth and no CDN bandwidth.

GCE Large


  • Unlimited websites
  • 20 GB SSD storage
  • Unlimited visitors
  • 2 GB bandwidth per month
  • No CDN bandwidth
  • No email addresses
  • Free SSL certificate
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Cost of Hosting

Regular Pricing

The cost of the GCE Large hosting package is $152.14 per month.

Contract Regular Price
1 month

Cost of Web Hosting Over 10 Years

This graph compares the total projected cost of GCE Large by Cloudways for each contract term over the next ten years, assuming no rate increases.

Refund Policy

Cloudways does not offer a money-back guarantee for its GCE Large plan.

View all pricing details for Cloudways